[FREE HOUSE!] Passing It On...

Day 956, 14:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

When I was but a wee Irish babe crawling around on the streets of Dublin, losing more health than I could afford to keep up with, a benefactor, Apples123, found me and gave me a place to stay. It was nothing fancy, but it reversed my overall health trend for the better.

The only condition of this donation was that I would pass it on myself when I outgrew it in use, and subscribe to my benefactor's newspaper which I did. Now that I have found myself a new and more home, it is my turn to pass on the ownership

I am donating a Q1 House to any Irish Citizen who does not currently or ever have owned a house under the only condition that you do the same when you get a higher quality house of your own and subscribe to this paper.

I will randomly choose one of the contestants within 72 hours from the publication of this article.

Enter by commenting in this following format without the quotation marks:
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~Your friendly neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg