eRepublik Rising, Changing Militaries, and My Decision

Day 952, 19:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

On Friday, the admins announced the opening eRepublik rising Open Beta. Like almost everyone else, I was able to try out v2 for the first time. (Actually that’s not true; I got beta testing account approved one day before it went public.)

To this I had mixed reactions, however that it is not the point of this article. The point is my realizations.

We all are aware that v2 will bring significant changes to the way militaries fight, but what may be slightly less known is that it will undermine the entire system they are built around.

The most obvious way this will affect militaries is the new War Module. In v1, anybody could fight with five clicks, but v2 combat now takes time, lots and lots and lots of gold, and even more patience.

Citizens will no longer be able to join the military as a two-clicker for free guns to fight with. Only the truly dedicated will remain as soldiers, and dedicated they will have to be to sit paralyzed in front of their computer all day clicking twice every five minutes.

With the new v2 money making schemes, soldiers will have to be stocked with gold before going into battle. If a soldier without a power-up is matched against a soldier with, they stand no chance. For only 1.4 gold, you can double your damage in a fight!

The less obvious but as important feature is the Economic Module and training. It only took one click a day to train, five times easier than actually fighting, but in eRepublik Rising people will have to spend some of their precious
24 hours to train. With happiness being drained so excessively in training, a soldier will have to spend all their spare time “working out in the gym with the neighbor.”

Because they are unable to work and unable to provide for themselves, v2 soldiers must be subsidized by the government in terms of food, health and happiness, creating the cost of supporting a soldier a worthy investment only for powerful tanks who already have a high strength from v1. Unless you’re positive someone is going to stay in eRepublik for years(and with Rising at this rate, I don’t think that’s going to occur very frequently)

In light of this, I think private mercenary groups will become the key players in wars. Since maintaining a standing army will be so expensive, self-sufficient organizations like the Crimson Order will be at the forefront of the v2 battlefield. Having elite soldiers that you don't have to continually support only when you need then will be much more practical than spending 10s of gold on newbies so they can train.

In eRepublik Rising, all soldiers will have to be super soldiers, foregoing all other aspects of eLife. Is this realistic? Yes, you cannot be a professional soldier and work daily at your job. Is this fun? No, it screws new players over who won’t be funded to start their military career and it prevents

In Conclusion to this article, I would like to resign all combat duties in the IDF and ICA effective the release of v2. I do not hope to withdraw my full membership from either organization, as I support both their causes and more-dedicated members for if permitted I would still hope to be able to be a member of both organizations, fulfilling a different role such as coordinator or supplier, or assistant manager. However, if full resignation is required I would be willing to do so.

I resign with no lack of love and duty for Ireland, for as stated earlier, if the Emerald Isle comes under direct attack I will do my duty to defend here and her people.

Excuse my rambling,

Your friendly neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg