[Attempted Skill Migration Guide] Trying to make sense of it all...

Day 948, 21:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Everybody, including myself, is probably pretty overwhelmed right now with the new eRepublik Rising Open Beta and skill migrations.

I've heard multiple people say their going to wait for guides before they choose their skills so I decided to make an attempt at one.

I hope this helps.

1. Ask yourself if you intend to stay in your current job for a while. If you are a more experienced player working in a high quality company(such as the IDF Armory) the answer to that is probably yes.

If so, contact your employer. Ask him or her what they wish you to be. If your employer is smart, they will PM you and your co-workers asking you individual to choose a certain skill.

If not, I'd recommend waiting further. Look at the job market throughout the next week. I'm sure once more companies get on Beta they'll have more job offers. Choose one of the most frequent ones.

3. I personally predict a potential housing boom in the future. In Rising, houses provide a way to keep happine$$ up without spending insane amounts of gold on boosters. While this may pure speculation, one might be inclined to invest in the Architect skill, but then again what do I know about the eRepublik economy?

4. Focus your choice on one skill... at least that's what I intend to do. This probably will not work as well in a country as small as Ireland, but if you're the only (and best) for example architect in Ireland, you'll be in high demand.

5. Personally, I love roleplaying. However, It honestly doesn't matter if you're a product manager or a Fitter, it all costs 1 happine$$ an hour to work and a certain amount of wellness.

6. Don't choose a profession just because your current job is that profession. Everybody transferred into Beta will start out working at default job in their current company. For me at a rifle company, that's Engineer. But Tone Column will also need Fitters, Technicians, and Mechanics, which someone will have to become.

7. Overall, I'd recommend either Fitter, Technician, Engineer, or Mechanic. This is due to the fact that the majority of Ireland's v1 economy is based on manufacturing and with gift companies being turned into helicopter companies, most jobs in Ireland are either going to be Manager positions for food companies or any of the multiple weapons jobs.

8. Remember that you can always go back and change everything this week, so don't put it off just because you aren't certain. Overall, I just recommend choosing a profession, and if there are no job offers for you, you'll know that it probably was not a good choice.

Keep in mind that most of this is pure speculation on my part and are entirely my opinions.

I'd also like to thank the five people who voted for me in the Southeast. If last election's results are any indicator, I've won a place in the Dáil Éireann. I will do my best to serve you all this term.

Feel free to discuss.

~Your friendly neighborhood journalist, J. Gutenberg