[GUIDE] Removing the Lana $isters!

Day 960, 19:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

If, like myself, you are not a testosterone crazy teenage male who won't play a game without the suggestion if scantly clad women for five minutes, or potentially simply female, you might not appreciate the Lana $isters in the way the admins intended for all of us to do so.

Fortunately, I have found a way to remove them from the game. No more sluts standing outside your house with 5 easy steps!

Where did Lana go? Who's the naughty girl run off with now?

Step 0.

You should already be using Firefox, so that’s why I am not including this as a real step. Every time somebody opens Internet Explorer, I stab a kitten.

Download Firefox here:
Follow the instructions on that page as they appear.

Step 1.

Install Adblock Plus. You should also have this already installed. Every time someone views a blockable add I eat one of the kittens I stabbed earlier.

Download Adblockplus here; There’s a nice video to help walk you through the process, although it honestly isn’t needed.

Step 2.

Go to the Training Grounds where you can see Lana. (For hopefully the last time)

Right click on her image and choose the option Adblock Plus: Block Image...

Steps 3, 4, and 5.

Repeat for Library, Residential District, and Company in the same way.

Step 6.

[THIS WON’T WORK IF YOU DON’T COMPLETE THIS STEP] Vote and subscribe to this newspaper.

Step 7.

Enjoy eRepublik Rising(if possible) without every encountering one of Lana $isters again.

I'd also like to say congratulations to paidi28 for winning my free house competition and thank you to everyone else for entering!

~Your friendly neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg