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Congressional Report: 28 Sept - 5 October

9 Day 320, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Congress focused on new ways to get more people involved in the cultural and educational side of eRepublik this week by introducing the British Academy, and the position of Minister of Education.

British Academy
Proposed by Hassan Pesaran

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Complete General Election Overview

2 Day 317, 09:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Once again, the eUK has experienced an extraordinarily close General Election that we have come to expect over the past months. Hassan Pesaran took the lead early on, but quickly dropped off into third place with Widdows taking the lead throughout

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Why YOUR Vote Counts

11 Day 314, 12:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

With the General Election only 2 days away, it is becoming increasingly important for citizens to be using their vote wisely. This election proves to be a close one, with three very solid candidates and varied parties. Elections often come down to

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Congressional Report: September 21-28

21 Day 313, 03:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This week congress focused on the new issue of how to deal with the sudden openness of the House of Commons. There was recently introduced a “Sensitive” Forum, so the whole issue of what is sensitive became a key topic, along with how proposals read more »

Prospective President Gone AWOL

27 Day 311, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Widdows9000, current Minister of Defence, official Party President of PCP and front-runner candidate to be the next President of the eUK has mysteriously gone missing for the last 5 days. His last visit to the eUK National Forums was on Sun Sep 21,

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