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Power Struggle #1

20 Day 329, 11:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is what you might call a "pilot" issue. If people want more of the same and it's well recevied, I'll continue writing these articles

The alarm beeped at 8am, Tuesday 14th October 2008. I shuffled out of bed and scrambled for … read more »

Congressional Report: 5/10/08 - 12/10/08

2 Day 327, 10:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

This has been a relatively slow week in Congress, with only three votes having taken place. This is just a very quick run-down on what those votes meant.

Issue Money: 30,000GBP
Proposed by Rayf Drayson

30,000GBP has been issued in

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Party Presidential Elections - Analysis

7 Day 326, 04:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

In eRepublik, nothing is certain. Even the most meticulous plans can go awry in the society we fondly refer to as “BugRepublik”. All three of the major parties have elected a different Party President to the person they plan to place as their

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Hassan Pesaran for TUP PP

8 Day 323, 14:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I am formally stating my intention to continue as Party President for TUP.

First of all, I’d like to give you a reminder of what I have done for the party during the past month:

- I helped TUP gain a staggering five Mayors in the Local

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TUP Moving Forward

4 Day 321, 01:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

TUP has once again gone from strength to strength after the recent General Elections, as we have gained a further 8 seats in Congress, which is two more Congressmen than last month. I also personally achieved 70 votes, roughly 30 more than what

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