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V1 Changes - Impact on the eUK

12 Day 302, 09:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

In a recent Erepublik Insider article, they revealed that Version 1 will be launched between the dates of October 1st and 15th. This has brought end to the long-time controversy of whether V1 would actually ever be released within the next month.

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Birmingham Mayoral Candidates - Interviews

8 Day 302, 08:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

After Birmingham was won by a Borg member last month (Chris Kit), he failed to make an impact on the region at all, and proved to be inactive on the forums. So two new candidates have stepped up; Irakaz Ibalofa of TUP and Congressman Pagan of read more »

Congressional Report: September 7-14

33 Day 299, 10:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Congress has been bursting with discussion this week, whether this be agreeing with the above poster, or clearly defining a proposal that was before losing interest. Last week congressional attendance was disappointing; we’ll see how they fared read more »

Party Elections Analysis

5 Day 296, 13:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

In this article we will be looking at the three major parties - PCP, UKRP and TUP - and how they have changed after the Party Elections.

With all parties having taken on a new leader, change is headed for eUK Politics. Three members who … read more »

Change and Unity - TUP

6 Day 296, 08:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

First and foremost, I would like to thank all those who voted for me in the recent party elections. Your continuing support for a stronger and more united eUK does, and will, make a difference.

Now, I have already changed the party member list so

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