Congressional Report: 28 Sept - 5 October

Day 320, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Congress focused on new ways to get more people involved in the cultural and educational side of eRepublik this week by introducing the British Academy, and the position of Minister of Education.

British Academy
Proposed by Hassan Pesaran

The British Academy will be split into the following categories; Politics, Journalism, Programming and Economics. Each category will have 3 Judges and they will award a citizen, nominated by the public, who has produced something that benefits the eUK in their own field, whether this is an article or an API. This is to encourage culture and activity within the eUK.

Yes – 11
No – 4
Abstain - 2

Minister of Education
Proposed by Stan Wephen

This position has been created by Stan Wephen to get current eUK citizens a greater knowledge of the history of eUK, the economy and how politics works. The Ministry of Education has now been implemented and they are currently discussing how to go about lesson plans, assignments and courses in general. Expect the MoE to have a stronger presence in the coming weeks.

Yes – 13
No – 3
Abstain - 3

Automatic PM Guidelines
Proposed by malta_1990

Within the upcoming release of V1, the President will have the ability to send an automatic PM to all new citizens of the eUK. Malta_1990 proposed some guidelines which must be followed by the President when creating this message, so that he/she cannot abuse this privilege.

Yes – 18
No – 0
Abstain – 0

National Health Ministry
Proposed by Dishmcds/jerryGFL

When V1 is released, the position of Mayors will be abolished for a few months at least. With this comes the problem of gifting citizens in each region, one of the Mayors most important jobs. This issue will be taken up by the Ministry of Health, who will be in charge of Regional Directors, who gift each region. These are not replacements for Mayors; they simply do the gifting while the House of Commons and the Cabinet try to find a way to replace all the other functions that Mayors have.

Yes – 20
No – 0
Abstain - 3

Voting Attendance, does not take into account new Congressmen, but disregards old ones:

Bob Boblo: 100%
Rayf Drayson: 100%
Cheeseball: 100%
Hassan Pesaran: 100%
Malta_1990: 100%
Squiddy: 100%
Deilos: 100%
Malchert: 100%
Stan Wephen: 100%
jerryGFL: 100%
Deathtoll32: 80%
Dishmcds: 80%
Widdows9000: 60%
Shadowukcs: 60%
Tim09: 40% (on holiday)
Certacito: 40%
Bremer: 40%
Twaters: 40%
Mephit: 40%

Those who did not vote in any proposal:


Discussion Attendance, does not take into account new Congressmen, but disregards old ones:

Bob Boblo: 100%
Hassan Pesaran: 100%
Deathtoll32: 100%
Dishmcds: 100%
Malta_1990: 100%
Deilos: 100%
Stan Wephen: 100%
jerryGFL: 100%
Rayf Drayson: 75%
Squiddy: 75%
Cheeseball: 75%
Malchert: 75%
Widdows9000: 50%
Bremer: 25%
Twaters: 25%
Mephit: 25%
Tim09: 25% (on holiday)
RonaldChris: 25%

Those who didn’t contribute to any discussion:
