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Power Struggle #4

4 Day 350, 12:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Day 31. I stepped onto the podium, staring into the glaring lights of the camera flashes, struggling to keep my composure. On the eve of the General Elections, Parties played a minor part, overshadowed by the Presidential Candidates who would … read more »

Presidential Candidate Debate, November 2008

19 Day 350, 08:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

We recently had a two-hour long discussion between the three main Presidential Candidates; Dishmcds, Final Destiny and Tim09 who are represented by the UKRP, TUP and UBP and PCP respectively. A good number of people showed up to the event, and it read more »

Power Struggle #3

4 Day 334, 14:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Day 5. I woke with a start. It was completely silent. There were no shouts of men, no chugging of factories and no gunshots. I had become so used to the noise; the effect of silence had been so great as to wake me from my deep sleep. It was a truly

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Your Economy Needs YOU

5 Day 333, 06:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

With the transition from Beta into V1 came the introduction of Raw Materials Industries. These Raw Materials are needed by all sectors, whether this be weapons or housing, so that THEY can continue to produce. There are scores of new companies being

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Power Struggle #2

12 Day 330, 10:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Thanks to all who voted for the last article. Keep voting, commenting and subscribing folks!
Day 2. I was awoken abruptly by loud music coming from the flat above. I groaned as I turned onto my side and reluctantly got out of bed. I walked … read more »