Prospective President Gone AWOL

Day 311, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Widdows9000, current Minister of Defence, official Party President of PCP and front-runner candidate to be the next President of the eUK has mysteriously gone missing for the last 5 days. His last visit to the eUK National Forums was on Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:36 pm. He gave no reason for his sudden absence, and I have spoken with PCP officials and it is reported he left no note that he would be gone.

It is curious and worrying to say the least. Widdows is highly respected in the eUK, and we hope that something bad hasn't happened to him.

If it is not related to his real life however, one wonders whether if we can't trust him to give reasons for sudden absences, whether we can trust him with running the Country?