Why YOUR Vote Counts

Day 314, 12:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

With the General Election only 2 days away, it is becoming increasingly important for citizens to be using their vote wisely. This election proves to be a close one, with three very solid candidates and varied parties. Elections often come down to the wire, with only 5 or so votes separating the candidates. This means that you're vote DOES count every much as the next person.

The most powerful tool you have when you start out in eRepublik is your vote. Your vote has the ability to change nations and leaders. Unlike IRL, where thousands of votes are counted, in eRepublik just a few hundred votes come into play. This emphasises that every single vote can make a difference. A vote is not something to be used frivilously, however, and you should consider who best deserves your vote. Read the manifestos and learn something about the party or leader you are voting for and how it will affect you.

A leader can make a big difference, especially in a superbly organised country such as the eUK. So when you look over the candidates, they will not be all the same. Once again, look into the candidates and what they have acheived, and plan to achieve, if they are elected as President.

The Party Manifestos can be found here:
TUP - http://www.erepublik.com/article-680906.html
PCP - http://www.erepublik.com/article-682174.html
UKRP - http://www.erepublik.com/article-681270.html