In Order are the Congratulations

Day 326, 08:47 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Well, first of all congratulations to all the Party Presidents elected yesterday and installed today. Most importantly, though, is the new party leadership for AAP, CITIZEN HEM!

He ran a great campaign which clearly paid off in the long run. The AAP no longer has the corrupted hand of Evan Bayh leading it, Uncle Sam has been restored to his proper place in the top 5 and has even been elected Vice President of the part.

Congratulations Uncle Sam on your great success!

It seems as if Evan Bayh has been banned, but only until Oct 14, 2008. This is unfortunate because it means the menace of the AAP will be back in time for the launch of V1.

This is not only disheartening but also a bit disappointing. When we set out to remove him from office, we had no intention of having him banned. True the power had corrupted him, but we were hoping that after a period, however long or short, of humility he might be ready to serve once again if that was the party's wish.

Instead seeing that he was losing terribly (Citizen HEM got 61% of all votes cast but I doubt any more than 40% of the party actually voted) he decided to try to kill the party by changing the name to "If You Are Gay Join This Party" and then to "The Rape Party".

We as a party do neither endorse these actions or find them humorous. We apologize to any and all who Evan offended. We will work towards a better AAP without Evan Bayh.