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Prometheus gave us fire, I'm just trying to keep that spirit alive a bit.

[Being Party President Isn't That Glamorous]

3 Dan 392, 08:46 Objavljen vUSA USA

Well I just wanted to be conceited enough to publish one article as Party President of the AAP and it will be a short one. Overnight I got a number of messages about endorsements for the upcoming country president elections. Interesting, to say the

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[Party Presidentship]

8 Dan 391, 19:52 Objavljen vUSA USA

So we're down to the wire. Only a few more hours left until the end of Day 391 of the New World. Less than four hours until the PP's are announced for the next month. The AAP certainly had an interesting day on this topic.

[AAP Mix-up]

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[Party Presidential Platform: II]

4 Dan 389, 10:01 Objavljen vUSA USA

/**This is a follow up to my first Platform article found here. */

There are two days left now before each party's members go to the polls and vote on who they

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[Party President Platform: I]

0 Dan 386, 14:46 Objavljen vUSA USA

Hello all,

I know I promised an interview with Zagarius for today, but he hasn't sent me anything, yet. I'm hoping to receive it soon.

In the mean time, this goes out to all my fellow AAP members: my platform for party president.


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[An Interview on the West Coast Coalition...]

9 Dan 385, 09:16 Objavljen vUSA USA

So I'm unsure how many of my readers have heard about this pseudo-movement taking place on the West Coast. It is being led by a young player named Zagarius. He calls it the West Coast Coalition (WCC) and seems to be rallying political elite from

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