AAP Party President

Day 372, 10:30 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So many of you probably heard today that Citizen HEM, a great man, player and politician is resigning from his office tomorrow and is to be replaced by Uncle Sam.

I had actually been pushing for a Sam led party for a while there but was content when Sam backed HEM against Evan Bayh and gladly threw my support behind HEM. Now that HEM is leaving us approximately 19 days before the next party elections I will support and help Uncle Sam with whatever he needs. However, I know that in the next elections Uncle Sam might be the only person to run and he still needs a competition. One person running is not a choice, it's a sign of apathy within the party.

I personally feel Uncle Sam is a great player, he's been playing longer than I have and he knows more about the game than I do, without a doubt. But I'm running simply for competition's sake. As you can see I've already paid my dues to run and I will run in 19 days against Uncle Sam.

I am calling for a fair campaign with no slander and no fighting on anyone's behalf.

I'll write more before the elections and will become much more active than I've been the past few weeks.

Yours truly,