[Elections, War and Party Updates]

Day 383, 16:25 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV
Ok, so I'm quite late in writing my reaction to the presidential election, but I've got more important RL work to do for finals.

Congratulations, to Benn Dover, I think most knew he would be re-elected, however, I felt Leo still had some chance at winning. I have no doubt that Benn will do well by us and by his supporters. I doubt anyone will oppose him and am sure we will all work to help him especially as we come to war with France.

Leo Ruby ran a great campaign and should be congratulated for his determinist attitude and the fact that he refused to be discouraged by anyone. Leo ran a clean and honest campaign and did well by the four parties who backed him for president.

So as I mentioned above, we are going to war with France. Last I saw, the tally was 38 for and 8 against. There's no way the remaining four or five senators will be able to sway the vote against it so without a doubt there shall be war. Most companies are being advised to move to Florida so that they can fight all the way down to 50 wellness and and regain all their wellness. I am saying that any citizen should also move to areas bordering France, including New Jersey. NJ has a Q1 hospital so the fight would not be so much an attack as a defense of our existing land.

Once this issue with my inventory is resolved, I will, be probably moving down to Florida. I also encourage all to become well-acquainted with trivia. I can't find the article I read earlier but it was about doing well while fighting a war. I would link to it but I cannot find it.

[Party Updates]
So last I checked we'd gained quite a few more players and are now up to 221 which is approximately 12 in the days since Uncle Sam has been away. AND if I am not mistaken, we are fourth in size in the nation.

This is truly remarkable work by Isac Newton, John Jay, Leo Ruby and Zagarius! Congratulations to you four and all who helped by sending messages with you!

We may have been down for a while there but I doubt anyone could ever have counted us as out. And now we're pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. Good job men!

And since this is an article written by the request of Uncle Sam, I close with: