Party Presidential Race and Other News

Day 374, 06:43 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So I've been in frequent conversation with both Leo Ruby and Uncle Sam lately.

First of all, it should be known that Leo Ruby and I bought a company together and are splitting ownership 50/50.

Investments are available but the most percentage of the company we are selling is 49%. There may or may not be shareholders meetings but all the decisions will be made by both Leo and myself.

Leo will not be running this year for AAP PP. So it seems as if the race will be between Uncle Sam and myself.

On this note I would like to start my campaigning today.

I have finals coming up in the next two weeks which would only leave me about three days to campaign, which puts me at a serious disadvantage to Uncle Sam.

So first of all let me tell you my plans for the AAP.

First I will do everything in my power to increase both the size of the party, but more importantly the activity of the party's members. I feel that even though we have great potential as a huge party, a huge party is nothing with out approximately 80% of it's members being active.

Second I will not run for Country President myself but will scour the party looking for the best national candidate and with the support of the party nominate that player to be our representative in the President's office.

All the time that I will spend on eRepublik, I will devote to the party so that we can make it better.

I will use the party Organization in order to not only aid individual players but to help groups of our members found companies together that will profit.

I will work for the party's approval to use it's donated funds to invest in other companies to receive a greater return for our own members.

And I will use only the best members in my administration while not ignoring the youngest and newest to the game.