Review: "Presidential Platform of Leo Ruby"

Day 378, 07:06 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

In case it wasn't clear before The Prometheus Press endorses Leo Ruby for Country President in the upcoming race. It encourages its readers and subscribers to go out and vote for Leo.

For those of you too strapped for time, we are going to provide a quick summary and review of Leo's latest article articulating his platform for Country President (CP).


As those of you who are members of the AAP and it's forum website, frogman302 has resigned from his position as Vice Presidential Candidate because he no longer has the time to spend on the game and would be lieing to say he will do his best to be a good VP if Leo wins. Leo has already contacted other notable and highly qualified players about the position. These can be found on the AAP forums if you're curious.

Some believed Leo was against war in his previous platform article, but he clarified in this that eUSA is not to be the aggressor or an aid to the aggressors in any conflict. He will gladly promote and participate in the War Games President Benn Dover has discussed. He admits military inexperience but has a search being conducted for an experienced DoD.

He also asked for the endorsements of smaller parties who do not have a candidate or a shot in the next race.

Leo is very much aware of the concerns and ideas floating around the AAP and the eUSA. We have talked about forming one newspaper under an organization for the PP which will be sold to the next PP's org for free basically. So that members do not need to keep subscribing to new papers every time there's an exchange of power. Leo plans to take this idea one step further to the CP.

His foreign policies are also very strong. He will establish new foreign ties (Croatia) and maintain and strengthen current ones. His domestic policies are similarly strong. Leo knows what it's like when a smaller party is trying to gain members... so in his new citizen message he will be including a list of all the eUSA parties and a quick summary of their platforms.


Overall Leo Ruby has a good and honest platform going. He admits his short comings and explains his plans to compensate for them. Especially in the area of the military is he doing his best to work on fixing his inexperience.

On the whole Leo's platform seems to be the best one I've seen so far and is why The Prometheus Press endorses Leo Ruby for CP.