[An Interview on the West Coast Coalition...]

Day 385, 09:16 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So I'm unsure how many of my readers have heard about this pseudo-movement taking place on the West Coast. It is being led by a young player named Zagarius. He calls it the West Coast Coalition (WCC) and seems to be rallying political elite from those states behind him in calling for something greater. Now of course this sounds sinister and almost like a possible revolt but it is mot assuredly not.

Tomorrow, or the day after, I will conduct an interview with Zagarius himself, a close friend of mine, about the WCC.

For today, to give you all a taste of what is to come, I am going to post the WCC Mission Statement:

The West Coast Coalition or WCC is not a Political Party instead the WCC is collection of the people of the Western States of the eUSA to make themselves self sufficient. You may not know this but California alone has 13.3% of the eUSA population with the populations of Hawaii and Oregon that is increased to 17%. That number will keep going higher as we include more Western states!!! Imagine what could be done with that many people directed towards a COMMON GOAL!!!

The WCC is more an Union of States Economically and Idealistically, if you want to call it anything. We will actively have WCC companies only hire from within the WCC and have those workers only buy from WCC companies. That way we will import any excess to other eStates or eCountries and create a boomtown.

Let me ask you, you live in eCalifornia, but your work is in New York. What does eCalifornia benefit from your work? It doesn't benefit directly, New York is more concerned with what is happening on their side of the world than ours! Thinking Regionally and working Regionally is the best way to make sure you protect yourself and others in the Western States!!!

Besides companies, the WCC is looking for Newspaper Owners to join the WCC so we can spread our message and keep in contact with our members! And through the articles the WCC may gain sympathizers to the WCC cause. We do not look for Propaganda papers, just good articles that make EVERYONE think and take notice! (This can be found here: http://z13.invisionfree.com/WestCoastCoalition/index.php?showtopic=5 .)