[Being Party President Isn't That Glamorous]

Day 392, 08:46 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Well I just wanted to be conceited enough to publish one article as Party President of the AAP and it will be a short one. Overnight I got a number of messages about endorsements for the upcoming country president elections. Interesting, to say the least.

Unfortunately, right now, the AAP is concentrating on it's congressional candidates and getting them elected. Sooner or later we'll be accepting and nominating candidates and pumping out their platforms in the form of newspaper articles. This will all be under the leadership and direction of Uncle Sam.

I'd also like to note that in January, I will not be running for Party President again, instead I will be backing a good friend of mine for it. (Take your guesses as to whom.)

I look forward to running for Congress very soon, and I look forward to working closely with Uncle Sam and the leadership of the AAP as a leader myself.

Thank you to all of you who participated in yesterday's elections, it was quite interesting to see how close the race was in the end (last I saw, 2 hours before Day 392 of the New World, there were 3 votes difference) and how I won by only 2 votes.

I'll probably write an article either today or in the upcoming days on my platform for Congressman of New Jersey!

In the meantime,

Sam, the reigns are yours.