[Party Presidentship]

Day 391, 19:52 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So we're down to the wire. Only a few more hours left until the end of Day 391 of the New World. Less than four hours until the PP's are announced for the next month. The AAP certainly had an interesting day on this topic.

[AAP Mix-up]
So a few days ago, Uncle Sam left to go to Canada to help the Canadians defend against the French forces. Naturally, I promised Sam that if something happened up there that his stay needed to be extended to the point where he couldn't run or get back in time to run for PP, I'd hand it back to him. Only fair if I were the only person to run, it wouldn't be an actual poll of the members' opinions. Nonetheless, Uncle Sam was back the same day as he'd promised, after having appointed John Jay and then Leo Ruby as PP.

Well Sam got so caught up in everything going on both in-game and in RL, that he seemingly forgot to sign up for the elections. During the few hours leading up to election day, I was encouraged by a few AAP members to keep the position if Sam never signed up again. And I thought about it and it made sense, but I was still willing to give Sam a hand with it assuming the usual low voter turn out.

Well I woke up this morning, got on the train and when I got on campus, I signed onto eRep to vote for myself. I was a bit surprised to see Isac Newton had decided to run as well. Well right now the count stands at
Ian John Locke 41
Isac Newton 39
This is probably at least the second highest voter turn out I can remember. The highest might be when Citizen HEM threw Evan Bayh out of office. I honestly can't remember.

Anyway, it has been decided that either way Uncle Sam will get the PP back no matter who wins, but seriously, I need the 20 XP more than Isac so give me the winning votes.

[But also in other AAP related news...]
In other AAP related news, the Recruitment Department led by John Jay sent out messages in excess of 450 between 4 people; the Public Relations Department led by both Leo Ruby and myself sent out close to 200 messages to AAP members; the Department of Welfare is working on it's finally getting its act together and getting some money together to start to help the AAP's younger members.

The AAP would also like to reveal it's new & still developing website here.