[Party Presidential Platform: II]

Day 389, 10:01 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

/**This is a follow up to my first Platform article found here. */

There are two days left now before each party's members go to the polls and vote on who they want to be their next Party President. With this short time left, I would like to bring up two serious points in my platform, which I plan to emphasize these last two days.

[1] Party Economics
As Director of Party Welfare, one of the plans I came up with was to take a portion of the party finances and invest them in party-owned companies, with a few exceptions. The profit made off of these investments would go to the welfare department or could be split between the welfare and recruitment departments. The money would be returned the party coffers and we'd actually have money to use for party members.

Since I took this position only after Sam became PP, I had never thought of this while working with HEM. But, Sam will not let anyone touch the gold in the party's treasury. Currently, the party has a great opportunity to invest in one of the AAP's most experienced financial members who also happens to be the Director of Party Business and Finance. It would be a small investment of a few gold seeing as how other party members, with extra gold were able to invest in the venture. This looks to be a solid and lucrative opportunity that the AAP is missing out on.

[2] Party Activity and Recruitment
Recently Sam, has turned to the Recruitment department to bring the current members of the party to a higher level of activity. True, this responsibility could be thought of as falling on the shoulders of recruiters, but our department is small enough that we cannot afford to be burning the candle at both ends.

Sam is correct in that another department does not need to be formed for this purpose, but certainly another department that is already up and "running" would be able to shoulder this burden.

If elected...
If elected, I would not squander our party's hard earned money. I know how hard it is to earn gold in eRepublik. I even donated some before V1 and was willing to give up a couple gold to run in this party presidential election. I would, with the approval of party leadership and the advice of the economic intelligentsia within the AAP, I would invest a small portion of the party's gold, where moderate to high returns are likely.

I would also divide the returns between the welfare and recruitment departments so that both have small accounts that they could use at their own discretion. Their transactions, however, would have to be logged in an act of total transparency within the party.

I would remove the burden of heightening party activity from the shoulders of our magnificent recruitment department and give the responsibility to our public relations department. We currently have two PR Directors, myself as one of them, who are not doing a whole lot when it comes to working within the party. We have been focused on promoting our party outside of the party, however we can.

One cannot show a brilliant smile without any teeth though. We need active party members to do so. Sam has started this but I will work it through the right way.

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