Hello eAustria: Introductions and Targets

Day 930, 20:38 Published in Austria Canada by SaraDroz

Hello eAustria and pleasure to be in such a good skiing and walking Country... I remember my last skiing trip to Innsbruck... but that is another story 😉

A. Who Am I?

Well my erep story is long... and involves many Countries. I have been MoFa 11 times before this job in Atlantis, Peace, neutral and Eden countries. I have been President once, VP once and was last month 'acting President' (see my past articles) of eCanada. I met our President Fragreg in eMalaysia and stayed in touch so turned down the post of MoFa in eCanada to accept the post of MoFa here. It is always good to meet new people and have new challenges.

Some people will no doubt say I am pro-Eden lol. Yea sure, I was MoFa in eRussia when we invaded eUSA (though I warned against it). I argued drasticaly with former Eden SC shoot when MoFa in Canada and was banned by him personaly from all Eden channels. Sure I know many Eden ppl, I know just as many Phoenix ppl too. I have good contacts all over is the truth, I have disagreed with both too. I am here to serve YOU and your President and nobody else. I understand some may have concerns and they are welcome to pm me, in game, of eAustria forums or on IRC (where I am SaraD).

I furthermore pledge not to run for Congress and vote only as ordered against PTOs, fight as ordered and present the public with the truth in a weekly article (as much much as the President alows). If I am proven to have broken this pledge I shall step down, but for me thats normal behaviour. Honour comes before Power...

B. Initial Reactions and MoFa Actions

eAutreich seems to have many ppl from all over but what we need is UNITY. We have limited resources and should possibly investigate the possibility of a babyboom, I am sure you have thought of this before but has anyone tried? I would also appreciate it if some people on IRC would refrain from swearing but I should perhaps pray for miracles...

As MoFa the first thing I was concerned about was naturaly Lower Austria, which remains in eHungarian possesion. This is not good for them or us in my opinion so I found out who the eHungarian was and spoke to him. I give you most important quote: Singollo we will give it back I understand that first they wish to arrange Phoenix training wars.

Secondly the President asked me to look at possible future MPPs so I discovered that my old friend from previous matters Rednif Tap is now eUkraine MoFa and sent him a pm asking to speak about this issue.

Thirdly I contacted eFrance, whose MoFa is now Kreuziger and whom I managed to contact on IRC. He sai😛 "Kreuziger yes, of course we'll be there to help you".

C. The Department

I have spoken with the former MoFa and appointed him my Deputy. To be honest he is more experienced than I. However we have agreed certain goals the main one of which is the creation of an Ambassador Corps.

Ambassadors are good because:

Any citizen can be one! Even the newest eborn! (this helps player retention).
Trains future MoFas as the art of this of being polite and knowing people well.
Presents a public face of eAustria to others and first point of contact should they have a proposal.
Tells us about their views.

The MoFa Department therefore asks for volunteers to step up as Ambassadors to step up!
These measures we believe will help eAusria not only now but long term.


I am pro eAustria now. Lower Austria will be returned. Should we need MPPs I am onto our closest allies. The MoFa Department has a goal! It's not all rosy yet but seeds are being planted.