VP Summary So Far: Transparency

Day 908, 11:38 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

VP Summary So Far

The President has expessed his wish for 'transparency' within the the Government and with the eCanadian community. The public should have trust in their government and the only way we can function as truly unified nation is for YOU to understand and know what the Government is doing. I therefore offer you the possibly the most detailed disclosure of recent Governmental issues and debate ever:

A.The Government.

Last Monday a long Cabinet meeting was held on IRC where the main aims of the Government were discussed. I shall not deal with the topics here in the order that they were discussed in the Cabinet meeting but merely summarise:

1. Cabinet Reshuffle.
Adasko having retired from the game the President appointed me VP, with KyleDr taking over the MoFa. I had doubts about this as Kyle is relatively new and M.H.Aurelius has the greater experience in the MoFa as a Department. However MHA has been busy in real life and I have continued to advise Kyle, so far Kyle has done superbly and I am sure he will go far.

2. BabyBoom Project.
Many ideas were discussed (as always). Given that there are 7 million Canadians online (according to the BBC) we certainly should have a higher population. Someone needs to really grab this. Until it is given a more prominent role we shall wait and see...

3. The University.
AngryMobMan has some good ideas about how to manage and teach a babyboom generation including a 'Panel of Teachers'. He is ready for 'babies' if they arrive.

4. CAF Expansion.
Following a succession of CAF recruitment articles the President agreed to expanding CAF. Funds were also approved to Praetors (go go go!), TCO and vandoos and arrangement made for them to coordinate with CAF.

5. Trade.

The President wishes to open more trade abroad for our companies and wishes to offer a 50/50 deal on export liscences to friendly and non aligned nations. This in my opinion is wise as it effectively gives them a stake in our existence. Just like the theory behind the European Union you cannot afford to fight with those who you economicaly rely on. The MoFa will therefore receive a small budget to make these deals.

We also discussed the war with France (more below), the budget and bonds issues and the MoH. Since this meeting:

6. The MoH.
Not long ago I saw an article saying that players who can well afford high Q food were abusing this system. The government is therefore considering a form of 'means testing' for help from this Department, with level being the test and a cut off for senior players. This service will certainly be needed in the event of a babyboom and higher levels can contribute more to support the 'babies'. These reforms seem just to me..

7. New SoSAC.
For those that don't know SoSAC stands for Secretary of State for the Ambassador Corps. The post is usualy a promotion for the most promising Ambassador and Kyle selected Luddite, who is being trained by Kyle in her new duties.

8. The Budget and Bonds Exception.
Due to CAF expansion we we need to increase the budget somewhat. Also due to the war with France and eUK we need to create a reserve in case of invasion. This is the pupose of the 'extraordinary bond issue' that Congress has passed. Should we not be attacked a significant gold surplus, outside the 2000g earmarked for V2, will be established as a Government reserve.

B. The Diplomacy and Wars.

As I am no longer MoFa I am directly involved in the day to day events. However this I can say:

1. eFrance.
The Cabinet meeting was delayed until last Monday because we had a long meeting with eFrance last Sunday. eFrance first demanded 2500 gold to close the war and after a long discussion the President proposed the fee of 1000g to close the war to our Congress, which they rejected. We ARE however still speaking to eFrance on more or less cordial terms. The question then raises itself of how we can end this war? Well we can wait for a new Government and stay friendly. We can 'put pressure' on them through increasing the war, as suggested by some. We cannot win this way - against their MPPs we have no hope. Latest estimates are that we would need another 800k damage to even get close. There ARE however good reasons, which the MoFa has explained to them why it would be good to close the war. We expect further meetings soon. The main thing for them to consider is whether they are Phoenix or Entente? This is for them to decide... Plans are also in place in case of a joint eFrance and eUK invasion.

2. Delaware.
We have been blocking eFrance to stop them attacking Delaware. Why? Because this region belongs to eUSA and therefore by attacking eFrance, with it's MPPed allies would fight only us and almost certainly have a foothold in eUSA. It was therefore necessary to continue the blocks until Delaware could be returned to eUSA, which was done by lottery.

It was close and for a while looked 'do-able'. I am told by no lesser peron than Eden Supreme Commander himself, avec, that he called off the attack. eUSA troops on standby then rushed to:

4. Limpopo.
Here they urged the eSouth African President mulderf to attack their last occupied region of Limpopo and he willingly agreed. I have long been concerned in the fate of eAustralia and eSouth Africa. Some time ago, during William Ducans Presidency we first liberated eAustralia (though they had a later incursion). I recall the night well, scrounging troops and liasing with the President of eAustralia Patti11. It was the first time in over a year eAustralia had been totaly free.
I went to meet the eSouth African President on IRC and advised him that to succeed he would need Eden help. They had already sent appeals to all Brolliance partners and with avecs blessing Eden support was sent resulting in a historic victory. Never before have both eAustralia and eSouth Africa been fully liberated at the same time. eSouth Africa have now applied for Brolliance, though imo they already were. In this matter I want to say a small ty to eIreland, who often go un-noticed but who sent the the IDF with Q5s. Bro's they truly are.

5.The War in Europe.
Not winnable yet in my opinion yet they continue: The Government will naturaly support all our honoured allies there and monitor the situation as it develops. I do not believe a serious invasion of either of allies there is likely. eHungary is substantialy reduced and the major Pheoenix power is now eSerbia. Information leads us to believe both are short of money. We expect the war here to continue on lower scale for some time as winning the war in this theatre is dependant on other theatres.

C. Summary,Views and Predictions.

Well firstly as a CPF member and someone who voted for TFD I was surprised to be asked be VP. CPF serves eCanada though so after speaking with the President about my concerns for the MoFa I agreed. It's a nothing job to be honest but alows an oversight that pershaps others don't have. These matters I have tried to explain here. I think the new MoFa staff still need alot of experience but so far they performing wonderfuly, to be honest, exceeding my expectations. I have served in many eGovernments, both here and abroad, I think it still early judge this one but so far I give 8/10. Why? Delaware should have been sorted earlier in my opinion and some Ministers need reports in on time! The Budget and Bonds deserve a special ty to Congress, who I congratulate on being very understanding. The war goes badly for Phoenix: Heliongjiang gone, Liaoning made visibly do-able, eHungary nearly wiped from the map... I predict we have seen the end of WW4 and will see a short time of diplomatic flurry and MPP gathering as plans are made for the next phase. It has been 4-5 months since eUSA moved into Asia, we have faced hard times and good.Make no mistake, we are winning this war! Phoenix currently holds 1 high resource region outside its origional territoies, 7/9 high titanium regions (come V2) they do not have. Where Phoenix has conquered (in most cases) Eden and Brolliance has liberated, creating new allies. We have come far and face many dangers yet, the Government, and I, as citizen, will do our best to keep you fully informed. Together, with our allies, we plan the next phase... Onward to Victory!!!!!