eAustria MoFa Report

Day 936, 12:20 Published in Austria Canada by SaraDroz

It has now been one week since it has been my duty, and my honour, to serve you as eAustrian MoFa... and as is normal (for me at least) I present the public with my report, my thoughts and my analysis.

"Why should Ministers do this?" Firstly Ministers are NOT elected, they are appointed for their experience, wisdom (lol), and advice. I believe therefore that Minsters should report to and try to inform the public. Sure I answer to and advise the President but a Minister also has a duty to the country! So without further ado here goes...

A. The Department.

The first Ambassadors have been appointed and their own private subforums set up. To apply for an Ambassadorial position pls apply in our forums, on IRC or in game to Herr Lof (who will be Secretary of State for Ambassadors) or myself. The purpose of the Secretary of State for Ambassadors (SoSA) is primarily to train a new Deputy MoFa and future MoFa in what is required to operate the Department. As the SoSA becomes dMoFa the best Ambassador will be promoted to SoSA and so on... It is early days but it is important to get a good structure in place now that will serve eAustria long into the future. Having said that some have asked exactly what is the role of the Ambassador?

Ambassadors: Explanations and Incentives

Some frequently asked questions:
*Do I need any experience to be an Ambassador? None at all! The Department will train you and guide you!

*Do I have to speak a foreign language? No! I don't speak Russian but was once eRussian MoFa! If you can make yourself understood you are good!

*Do I have to move? No! You will asked to registered on another ecountries forums and introduce yourself there. You should also visit their IRC occasionaly but this is not required.

*What is my main duty? Your duties are to A. To be polite and friendly while representing eAustrias general policy to your 'host nation'. B. To act as first line of contact should they have direct issues, requests etc with us. C. To report back to our MoFa Department weekly on their Government personnel, attitudes and policy. From time to time we may later implement Government policies that require you ask about trade etc.

*What's in it for me? An Ambassadorship is the for many succesful later Presidents their first step. They meet new people and get trained well, they make friends abroad and get their first insight into eGovernment. I myself started as an Ambassador, as I believe did avec; the current Supreme Commander of Eden! You want to be a mover and shaker? This is an ideal start.

B. The Diplomacy.

1. Region Return and Training Wars

There was some concern in Cabinet about the return of our regions Lower Austria and Carinthia, despite eHungarys assurance that Lower Austria would be returned. I must confess that I was somewhat concerned but eHungary, honouring their word, duly returned Lower Austria and for this they surely deserve respect. The Carinthian return I am sure will be dealt with in the same honourable way though I shall be seeking assurances on this.

The Government can now disclose a little more of it's succesful plans: Last week we were informed that Phoenix was planning training wars and today the President has confirmed that "eHunary has the right to organize the Phoenix training war with us" (This apparently is a 'right' granted by Phoenix Command). Now while I am sure that most eAustrians will welcome the prospect of training wars there must be provisos and are dangers:

The proviso must be that any training war does not occur on eAustrian territory. The danger is that Eden may see us as a Phoenix 'pawn' and seek to end the training war by attacking us. Certainly I spoke to the President of ePoland the other day and he expressed the wish that we "Stop playing with eSlovenia." These are considerations serious for the next few days and the question seems to be: How do we make the training wars neutral?

Also the MoFa is planning a trade innitiative that will alow our company manages to export as well as secure the vital resources that we need in a long term future. This is still very much in it's the formative stages and expect to hear more later...

2. Opening Entente Talks.

This is a seperate matter but may help with our planned training wars. I am informed that over 50% of Congress would prefer eAustria to join Entente rather than any other alliance. As this is rightfuly a Congress matter it is therefore my duty to start talks toward this end. I contacted the Secretary General of Entente, Delexo, and quote his requests:

Delexo 1)Tell me everything about your army
Delexo 2) data about your economy, expecially: how much money do you earn daily from taxes?
Delexo when you're ready, send me those info, and the result of the vote (number of yes, and number of no) and I'll start the vote in the council

I have obtained the information asked for and forwarded it to Delexo. I should warn you that the reason they ask about our economy is that they propose a contribution tariff which we would be required to pay according to our means. I am informed the formula is not yet decided.

C. The Wars and the Strategic Position

A very quiet week by and large interspersed only by a further bout of eRussian madness... I am sure you have all seen the articles about this and won't bother you with details. Why? is a suitable question and the only answer I have received is "he wanted to show he had some b*lls". He certainly 'lost his marbles'.

Strategicaly this significantly undermines eRussias position as they now have MPP against them. As such it undermines Phoenix vital raw material position as without Liaoning they have NO high resource regions outside their native lands (eRussia and eBrazil). The balance of power has swayed again somewhat toward Eden and the high vulnerability and importance of Liaoning becomes ever more highlighted. It is likely that the current quiet is a build up by both sides for another major outbreak of war where Liaoning will be the key but may involve all continents.

Elsewhere I note a forlorn hope to attack eSouth Africa by eBrazil... no doubt to kill the awful racket at football matches in the current World Cup. I am informed that should vuvuzelas be thrown onto the pitch they will be banned from all grounds... I offer no suggestion.


The structure for a long term and sustainable MoFa Department that will serve eAustria long after I depart is my main aim and we have made a good start. I note my Ministerial colleagues similar overhaul of the MoD and urge all eAustrians to sign up for that too! We have had others (eHungary) honour their agreements and must consider the proposed training wars carefuly in the next few days. I personaly am committed to honesty with the public and I believe this is in any Governments long term interests. I hope that this article will provide some proof of that and assure you eAustrias Government is busy working for your best interests. Thankyou for reading.