Acting President: End of Month

Day 928, 18:30 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Acting President: End of Month

My Role

A month ago I never envisaged having to write this now. It's been a strange month with many surprises (not least for me!). After nea_milosu (also known as 'Fram') was elected I started off as MoFa and immeadiatly set about organising our first talks with eFrance on which I have reported elswhere.

When Vice President Adasko quit the game President Fram asked me to take the role. To be honest I was somewhat cautious of this as KyleDr (who would become MoFa) needed further training in my opinion. However Fram said I could continue training him while acting as VP. Looking back on this it is here that 'TFD as Ambassador to eUSA scandal' arose. Certainly it was thought by the MoFa Department as a whole that after last months election TFD had quit... we read the articles. KyleDr asked me if he should replace TFD as Ambassador to eUSA and I was surpised to hear that we had an Ambassador to eUSA as I had never seen a report and relied solely on personal contact with eUSA on IRC. My last instruction to KyleDr on this matter was to pm TFD and ask him if he wished to continue. This is probably the only problem that could have been avoided had I remained MoFa.

Having said the above it is vital that all understand the role of Ambassador. This differs depending on the country and events but in general it is to represent eCanada to the general population there, answer their questions and be a first point of contact should the Governments need to talk. It is encumbant on them to report back to MoFa Department. Higher level talks sometimes include the Ambassador but not usualy not. If we need to speak to eUSA we go find 'em!

As VP I soon found myself 'Acting President' due to the President Mother being ill, then his loss of internet. At the very outset I consulted with Cabinet and TFD in case an impeachment should be introduced. When it became clear that Constinution not Congress wished an impeachment I made the following basic rules for myself:

*I have not been elected and do not have a mandate to start new policies. Therefore Frams policies must remain prime.

*Elected sovereignty now resides with Congress and therefore they must be 'extra-consulted'.

*Consultation within Cabinet is vital.

As it was I needed to use this power only once (for the last attack on eFrance). In this case we believed an eUSA attack on Liaoning was coming but sadly this was delayed by an RW in Shandong. Later talks with eFrance I have discussed elsewhere.

Current Problems

As some of you may be aware a few Government orgs have been hijacked. The 'hijacks' are done by jbdivinus and will be returned.

The other problem involves an account that is not hijacked but which the President himself (who alone had access) could not access. He gave me the password and I can confirm this problem. We have tried variants and tried to trace the email holder and efforts on this continue. I have also emailed and pmed the outgoing President. Both main Presidential Canadidates and Congress have been informed.

Summary and Tys

The emergency measures in place have, for the most part, worked well and when the President has been absent the Executive has continued to funtion. For this I am grateful firstly to Cabinet, whom I have consulted as much as possible. Secondly I have sometimes consulted with former Presidents and others, particularly Chucky Norris and jfstpierre and the continuation of the Government owes much to their support. Most importantly however Congress (who I have criticised in the past) stepped up and I bow to them all. If there is one thing that can be learned from my 'inter - regnum' it is that the Executive can rely and work with Congress and I hope the next Government will continue this relationship.