Top 10 reasons: You know you're a new congressman if...

Day 695, 20:19 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Ladies and Gentleman, you know you're a new congressman if..

#10: Your first time you've had more than four alerts on your page in one day.

#9: You propose something without getting approvals.

#8: You get an exhilarating feeling when you click “yes” to your first foreign currency (ITL for example) donation to the CBO.

#7: You're not sure what those two circles are for on the country administration page.

#6: It's your first 5 gold since you turned level 6.

#5: You are under the impression congressman are by necessity, intelligent.

#4: You propose an increase of VAT on Defense Systems and Hospitals, seeing no reason why they should be privileged industries with 1% VAT.

#3: You don't know who One Eye is.

#2: You campaigned with the promise to get a Q5 hospital and Defense System for Arkansas.

And #1 on our list...

#1: You propose another increase attempt at minimum wage, to help all people get bigger and better wages.

And there you have it ladies and gentleman, the top ten reasons how you know you're a new congressman.

Aren Perry