Rumor-Mill Newsflash Ed.: Aren Perry for AAP President?

Day 694, 10:34 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

"What’s this you say?"

Aren Perry for Party President??

WOWZERS! He was so cool last time he was Party President… but his name isn’t on the list of candidates?

That’s because I’m running alongside of Tormod and Emmanuel Cruise as a team of leaders ready to bring the life of Tormod, energy of Emmanuel, and experience of Aren Perry to the table.

Emmanuel Cruise (EC) and Tormod decided that instead of running against each other, they will run together underneath Tormod’s ticket. ( I will be joining them in this endeavor for a team of three leaders that bring vision and fair judgment to the table.

So, why vote for Tormod (and EC and myself) for Party President?

I took a break from the game, in which I decided for many reasons it was time to pass on the torch to Mercurius100, our current Party President. Mercurius100 has done a fantastic job and I want and hope he gets the respect he deserves for all that he’s done for us. He has raised our membership dramatically. I'd like to believe I started the process, Mercurius sure did a lot to finish it.

For that, we will always be indebted to his leadership. However, just like there was a time for me to pass on the torch, there is a time I believe where passing on the torch to another generation of leaders is right, too.

So what're you offering?

We have some great ideas for the Party. Many of which are located within Emmanuel Cruise’s ( newspaper as he will be bringing much of that to the table.

I know that I personally want to see a return to a tighter group of leaders. Not tighter in the sense of exclusive, I hope everyone and always tried to let everyone have a chance at leadership within our great party, but in the sense of being more organized and effective. That is, returning to a system of more directors of party business.

Also, we’ve been throwing around the idea of a new forum, more active newspaper, re-starting our companies if it’s deemed profitable and wise, and most of all making sure that we’re always doing something useful for the community in and outside of the AAP.

Who I am

For those of you who don’t know me, briefly, I am a 3 term previous AAP Party President, 4 term congressman, former Ambassador to Turkey, among a few other positions I’ve held as well. Recently, I have not been as active due to graduate school, but no worries on this-I’m not the only one leading this party! And that’s the great thing about sharing the responsibility.

I hope to bring more than anything my experience to this job. I don’t want to inhibit the vision and energy that Emmanuel Cruise and Tormod will bring as leaders of this great party. I plan on letting them pursue those ideas fervently and trying to help them do so in a way that is prudent and effective.

I’ve known Tormod for a long time, and was the Party President when he got his start in politics. He’s done a magnificent job as a congressman and serving under me within Party roles and I am excited to working beside him as equals. While I don’t know Emmanuel Cruise as long as I have known Tormod, my time that I’ve spent talking to him has shown him to be a sharp, clear cut, and energetic fellow that has gained my trust.

Together we will be co-equal leaders that will make decisions by a majority vote. This does not mean we will not need other leaders! Quite the contrary, if you tell me “Hey Aren, can I help?” the answer is a resounding YES. I look forward to helping you help the party. Underneath my leadership I always made room for everyone willing, and it won’t change this time around.

Together, we present the best possible ticket we can.
Life, energy, and experience, what more could you ask for?

I ask you, my dear AAP brethren, to vote for Tormod tomorrow, vote for Tormod, AP, and Emmanuel Cruise.

Aren Perry,
Co-Ticket with Tormod PP elect
4 Term Congressman
3 Term Party President
4 Term Ambassador to Turkey
3 Term SADD member
2 Term Jedi Council Master
1 Term Head of Infrastructure Committee
New Player Mentor

Also make sure to catch me tonight on Kyle321n's NEW podcast, tonight! 11pm EST!!!

Emmanuel Cruise Article Link: