From the most loyal AAP Member: An Honest Insight for Tomorrow

Day 725, 13:01 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Dear AAP Brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow we face an election that we often overlook its importance. I wholeheartedly agree with NeilP99 in his assessment ([url][/url]) of party presidential elections (which I recommend giving a read. Neil always puts out the highest quality articles).

I am writing today with open honesty and personally, because I have been a long standing member of our party. I care about our party, I want to see it grow and flourish, and I’m concerned with the state that the AAP is in.

Mercurius claims that we have had great success recently. Without a doubt, gaining 1100 members over the past four months is something to be excited about. However, over the last two months, we have done basically nothing. The only ‘recruitment’ that I’m aware of that has taken place has been from people who just decided to join our party. And even just recruitment by itself means nothing unless we're using those numbers to DO something.

From my own Experience in full honesty

I joined the AAP back when we were the 4th largest party (then to become 5th later on) and let me tell you that numbers do not decide the character or quality of a party. Greater numbers, in fact, make it a challenge to effectively run a party if anything. Sure the upside is we have more people as our voter base and thus more power. But raw power unrefined is more of a danger than anything.

I’m being honest here. When I ran the party, I’ll full heartedly admit by the end of my third term of Party President I was ready to hand over the reigns. I my ideas had been more or less fulfilled to the highest capacity I personally could fulfill them, I was tired of the amount of time it took, and I wasn’t doing as good a job as when I first started.

I was happy, I really got some progress made and found talents within the party that are still around today. Still, it was time to hand the responsibility over.

As for Mercurius…

Mercurius has done a great job in the past, and for that he will always have my respect. What he does not have my respect for; however, is his lack of activity within the past two months. Maybe he’s been doing something, but if he has been, it’s completely unknown to me or anyone else who is active within the AAP community forum or chatroom.He simply has not been around.

Lack of activity does not make a person a bad player. I will always hope to be Merc’s friend. It merely makes a bad Party President.

Further, he has not represented us well to other parties recently. Though I am unaware of some of the issues, it has become apparent that his communication not only within our party but outside of our party to other leaders has been lacking. It’s time for him, past time, to hand over the reigns.

I do not wish to bash him for I feel like Mercurius will always be a brother to me. But it’s time for new leadership.

So what I’m saying is

Tomorrow you will see more 5 people on the list of those who are running for Party President. What inspired the others to run, I am not sure. But this I do know, Emmanuel Cruise is the strongest candidate. He’s the only one that has been involved in AAP leadership beforehand. He has great plans for our party and I'm excited to have them implemented in our future.

Click on their profiles, read their platforms if they even have one. Make a good decision beyond simply clicking on someone because you recognize their name or their avatar looks cool.

As a member of the AAP, someone who has cared for the AAP, sent out masses of messages, spent countless hours for our benefit, I’m endorsing Emmanuel Cruise for Party President. I want us to have a good future.

No one can doubt that I have been a loyal and hard working member of our party. This does not mean I’m right, merely that I would hope I’ve earned the ear of our party. Whoever wins, I will continue to be loyal to our party and work towards its benefit.

Consider your choice wisely, this election, the very push of a button, is a very important one.

Aren Perry,
The Most Loyal AAP Member

PS: Check out Emmanuel’s platform articles here starting with his first. ([url][/url]

Also check out Fighting Round the World, the blog radio show hosted by Kyle321n in which Emmanuel was a guest, right here .