Dear AAP: My Endorsement for the next PP

Day 720, 15:31 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Greetings one and all AAP members,

Even as I am busy overrunning the forces of PEACE and Hungary as a part of Seal Team 6, I am writing to you today to endorse for our next Party President this 15th, Emmanuel Cruise. EC, as many know him, has been very active within his time within the AAP. Currently he holds the position of being in charge of the CEC, the committee in charge of vetting our candidates for the AAP. He is also a very active member of our irc chatroom community and a good friend of mine.

Who am I?

For those of you that don’t know me, I am the prior three term Party President of the AAP, former Head of Recruitment, current Head of PR, former four term congressman, three term ambassador… and so on. I have much experience in running a party and thus feel somewhat qualified in giving my endorsement to someone within my home party, the AAP.

Who is Emmanuel Cruise?

EC is a good fellow with many ideas for our party. I encourage you to check out his article here,, (and one soon to follow) for an in-depth vision of where our party needs to go. I have been very impressed with the expanse of his plans and how I really believe they are what our party needs for our future. He can tell you about that more.

What can I tell you about? EC may be in the eyes of some a “new” member of the AAP. He is too young, maybe, in some people’s eyes, to take over control of the entirety of the party. Let me assure you in two ways.

So what’s the deal?

First, I will be right beside him helping him out. He will not be alone in this adventure, and in fact, that is one of his strong points. We have many talented individuals within our party who want to help out but have been unable to do so because Mercurius pretty much does everything and thus, with such a big party, does so ineffectively. Back when he started as PP, this was somewhat feasible due to the smaller size. This is no longer true. We need to harness our big numbers to effectively communicate and use our big numbers.

Further, as much as I respect and love Mercurius, he has been too inactive to effectively manage this party. This is only one more reason we need new leadership. But just replacing old leadership with new leadership means nothing unless the new leadership is solid. Emmanuel Cruise IS a solid choice.

Second, I too was what some may nowadays consider a ‘young’ player when I became the AAP Party President. All I had done was spent two months within the party, one as a recruiter and one as the Head of Recruitment. I also had less than a thousand experience points. Mercurius100, our current Party President, was also what some may consider a “newer” member. Yet I wholeheartedly endorsed him and without any regret. Without a doubt, he has done a lot of things for our party.

The AAP in the past was a party of and for new players promising opportunity to all with no regard to how long you have been in the game, merely the amount of your desire and commitment to getting things done right. This is even more true now as the number of newer players we have in our party has easily doubled. It’s healthy and natural for young, fresh leadership with vision and talent to take over a party at some point in time.

It’s time for new leadership, and I’ve been very, very impressed with EC and his commitment to our party and leading us to great things in our future. We became all of a sudden a huge and important party within our nation and e-world. We need someone who is going to harness the influence we can have in positive ways. EC has the plan and the action to get this done.

Also, on one last note, I encourage all who are interested in running for congress underneath the AAP to sign up on the forum here (,16.0.html). Check out while you’re there our new forum.

Aren Perry,
AAP Member
Former 3 Term Party President
Seal Team 6 Member