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12 1,104 jour, 18:56 Published in Philippines Philippines


I recently moved to your lovely country from the great nation of the eUSA. I am looking forward to being a part of your small community and contributing, I hope, greatly, to the future success of the Phillippines. I do not speak the

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Be a cool kid and Come with!

16 1,103 jour, 15:07 Published in USA USA

Ladies and Gentleman of my home country, the eUSA

I am now in the Phillipines. Many of you were not alive during the days I was politically active and well known, but I wrote earlier asking any and all who wished to join me for a new adventure

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Vacation-Nation Needing some Ready to Relax Men/Womenz

31 1,099 jour, 11:33 Published in USA USA

I have a plan that could provide me and a group (of say hopefully 50 people) a very nice resting spot for our future. This call goes out to those who may be interested in

-Less demanding politics
-Easier Congressional/Presidential Medals

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No More, Glory Days

24 1,082 jour, 17:53 Published in Canada Canada

Oh Glory Days, oh Glory Days,

Where have you been,
The days of Harrison and Scrabman,
Eugene and Justin, Bro-nation
Messaging was easier back then, community was easier to attend

The Princess is in obscurity,
Mourn, mourn with me,

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Edit: Logic on: How to use boosters, and the new system in general

22 964 jour, 13:46 Published in Canada Canada

The first thing is first, I say hello to Canada! I am a former American citizen, semi-well known ‘in my day’ as a congressman and party president (three time) of the America’s Advancement Party. Upon it’s death I completely lost interest in

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