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Dear Tennesseans,

19 Day 424, 09:31 Published in USA USA

Dear Tennesseans,

My name is Donovanator and I ran last December only to loose by one vote. I don't know why I lost or how I lost, I am guessing Jewitt was just more popular in Tennessee than I am. What I am presenting you with is not an

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The World Powers.

11 Day 422, 10:39 Published in USA USA

I was thinking of making a list of the most influential countries, and out to the side I will put why.
I categorized them by what global alliance they are.

How to tell if your country is a world power:

1 If they have beaten a world power.

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The Word on 1/15/09

13 Day 422, 07:49 Published in USA USA

The Good Word
~ Food prices have gone down to $1.54 (from $1.59)
~ Grain prices have gone down to $0.65 (from $0.70)
~ Gun prices have gone down to $8.92 (from $9.86)
~ Someone made an updated map see [url= more »

"Let me explain myself" ,or "What Donovanator really thinks of imports."

14 Day 421, 14:47 Published in USA USA

Dear readers who have read my latest newspaper article,

What I wrote last time were the symptoms that may occur while exporting, importing, or isolating. I never attacked congress for doing something stupid- What I do think, however, that it

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Exporters Vs. Importers Vs. Isolaters. (THE TRUTH ABOUT THESE)

27 Day 420, 14:31 Published in USA USA

Exporters (companies that sells goods.)

~A higher demand for workers comes around.
~Gain money and profits from other countries.
~A higher demand for companies occur.
~Doesn't need foreign goods to fight in a war as long as they have … read more »