Dear Tennesseans,

Day 424, 09:31 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Dear Tennesseans,

My name is Donovanator and I ran last December only to loose by one vote. I don't know why I lost or how I lost, I am guessing Jewitt was just more popular in Tennessee than I am. What I am presenting you with is not an ad ,but a promise that I will fight for you for of all my term if elected,but first let me introduce my self.

(once again)My last name is Donovan ,better known as Donovanator. I own a well paying q2 grain company. I am considerably wealthy and want to set taxes up so you can be too. I ran last month for congress but lost only by one vote. I am very good at making my voice clear in the media.I am very well rounded and smart when it comes to the economy.I have always lived in Tennessee- even in Rl. I am a right sided Conservative ,and I am running under the Conservative ticket.

I will be fighting for the following things:

~I believe in flat taxes, income tax that is lower than import tax, and low tax all over.
~I will fight for a better hospital for all of my term.....every day.
~I am well remembered in IRC, and will get more active in the forums, and will be fighting for your view.
~I am and will always be active in erepublik, economy, and politics and proposals.
~I will voice your opinion -always.
~Most Tennesseans are hard workers, and I will do my best to make things affordable by fighting for low income tax.
~Fight in congress for limited government, protection, and the all American way.

What I will be doing for sure (if elected)

~Participating in every proposal
~Proposing for low income taxes.
~Focusing on three things: people's wealth, homeland security, and wellness.
~Giving you a better month
~Refuse to cooperate on something that Tennessee doesn't want.

How I will strengthen your wealth, security and wellness

~ If I can propose for all over lower income tax -it'll seem like a pay raise, and you'll be able to keep more money.
~ I want to help our security by talking over with our President on organization, recruitment, and training rewards.
~ I will help your wellness by two ways: I will be fighting for a better hospital, and if that goes through it will help you during war but if it doesn't you also can also afford better food through lower income tax- which means you can choose either wealth or wellness or a little bit of both.YOU CHOOSE not the government.

End Conclusion

Vote for me, Donovanator, on the 25th and expect a great month for yourself.