Exporters Vs. Importers Vs. Isolaters. (THE TRUTH ABOUT THESE)

Day 420, 14:31 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator
Exporters (companies that sells goods.)

~A higher demand for workers comes around.
~Gain money and profits from other countries.
~A higher demand for companies occur.
~Doesn't need foreign goods to fight in a war as long as they have an iron resource state.
~Economy grows better based on foreign demand of goods, and if the country it is exporting to is at war
~Inflation might occur if government produces any money, and if unemployment gets below 4%

Importers (countries that take in goods)

~Strengthen foreigners more than self.
~Dependent on exporters.
~A lower demand for workers.
~A lower demand for companies occur.
~Economy doesn't grow as fast as exporters.
~Inflation goes down,or to the point of deflation.
~Harder to find a job.
~Puts own companies outta business.

Isolators (countries that don't import or export)

~ The demand for workers and companies increases as long as deflation doesn't occur, but demand does not increase as fast as exporters.
~ Can depend on self during times of war.
~ Economy grows based on demand within itself, but might increase during war.
~ Inflation will occur if unemployment reaches below 4%.
~ Won't be as hard to find a job as importers, but not as easy as exporters.

As you can see the worst (i believe) one to be is importers........So why limit ourselves?
I believe i kept this as unbiased -as possible.