"Let me explain myself" ,or "What Donovanator really thinks of imports."

Day 421, 14:47 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Dear readers who have read my latest newspaper article,

What I wrote last time were the symptoms that may occur while exporting, importing, or isolating. I never attacked congress for doing something stupid- What I do think, however, that it is stupid how Congress taxed American companies and tax American Citizens more than foreign companies.

If you want people to afford things maybe you should give them a higher salary by lowering income tax? That is the goal correct?

Congress shouldn't raise income tax and then say how people can afford things- the finger is turned around. I work for a wage of $25 and get taxed 2 dollars which isn't much ,but import prices aren't going to save me 2 dollars on food. If companies DO import to us- it won't make much of a difference to me if we are equally taxed as much as them. (( Jewitt you say you believe in Flat Taxes- well prove it.))

Plus you have to admit that on that last page those are symptoms of imports and exports, and it's like bacteria- mixed symptoms...... I do believe this will cause deflation, but it be easier to make things affordable if you make Income Tax as equal as Import Tax- it doesn't need to be high or low- just maybe both at 5% would be my suggestion.

JUST MAKE IT EQUAL- that is what Ibelieve in " Equal opportunity."