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A full article dedicated what helped make my newspaper legacy. (infomercial)

6 Day 437, 21:09 Published in USA USA

For months I have been telling you about parties that you should join for they have paid me to do so. In fact my last line on my first "The Word" was a party supporting line that started this all! So I am giving a full dedication of a … read more »

The Word on 1/28/09

11 Day 435, 08:01 Published in USA USA

The Good Word
~ Food prices have gone down to $1.43 (from $1.54)
~ Gift prices have gone down to $3.45 (from $3.66)
~ Gun prices have gone down to $8.40 (from $8.92)
~ Moving tickets have gone down to $15.75 (from $20.4😎
~ House prices … read more »

In a world of terminal and chaos, an inactive guy comes back

11 Day 434, 18:44 Published in USA USA

WTF?! I quit for a few hours and I read newspapers on what happened.


You have lost all the money we have been taxed for. Our forums have been sabotaged. Our Government has been screwed over. If we were to be attacked

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Good Bye Cruel World

31 Day 432, 18:00 Published in USA USA

I here to present you my will and testament as I am currently ,without a doubt, quitting Erepublik. I cannot get on daily or hardly even weekly.

My money will go to the Conservative Party & the Nationalist Party.

My business will be sold

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What a REAL conservative believes

15 Day 428, 17:24 Published in USA USA

Sorry for those who read the word- I don't have the time right now until the 25th.

Some people claim to be conservative before the "Conservative Party", and act liberal. Some people claim to be liberal and then act as a conservative.


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