The Word on 1/15/09

Day 422, 07:49 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator
The Good Word
~ Food prices have gone down to $1.54 (from $1.59)
~ Grain prices have gone down to $0.65 (from $0.70)
~ Gun prices have gone down to $8.92 (from $9.86)
~ Someone made an updated map see here.

The Political Word
~ Leviathann writes about how right-winged parties should re-unite.
~ President Justinous addresses the nation, and names the problem what we should do.
~ Tyrsis writes how he thinks why public spending will not stimulate the economy
~ Ian John Locke IV has proposed that we change our taxes to something like this:
Taxes New Old
Value added tax (VAT) 5% 3%
Import Tax 15% 20%
Income Tax 10% 7%

The Bad Word
~ Gift prices have gone up to $3.66 (from $3.53)
~ Moving Ticket prices have gone up to $20.48 (from $17.92)
~ There isn't a single Q1 house for sale.
~ Gold prices have gone down to $69.9 (from $71.2)

The Fun Word
~Ever played Monopoly and wondered what the most commonly landed on streets are???

I was surprised to find out recently that the 3 properties in question are actually the main 3 that from playing as a child onwards to today have always been my favorite and most sought after in the initial stages of the game.

You can keep your Mayfair and Park Lane, the most commonly landed on properties are actually Bow St, Vine St and Marlborough St!

~ Name 5 things government has done in the past 50 years......wars don't count for that's another government failure.......bailouts don't count for they made things worse.......I'll give you one - landing on the moon- no it's not another government failure for they eventually made it up there too,but the moon race itself doesn't count for THAT is another government failure.

The Free Word