The World Powers.

Day 422, 10:39 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

I was thinking of making a list of the most influential countries, and out to the side I will put why.
I categorized them by what global alliance they are.

How to tell if your country is a world power:

1 If they have beaten a world power.
2 Active in world politics, diplomacy ,and/or wars.

The Definition of a world power
world power
a nation, organization, or institution so powerful that it is capable of influencing or changing the course of world events.

Atlantis World Powers
~ Romania; Strong economy, Wealthy,started out with only 9 original regions and has conquered 25. Very well organized. Government knows what they need.

~ USA; Strong economy, Wealthy. Most populated country.Still controls all 51 regions.Considerably the biggest country in the world.

~ Spain;Strong economy, wealthy. Conquered a region from Mexico. Gathered allies and started the hot part of WW2 and invaded France.

PEACE world Powers
~ Indonesia; VERY Well organized (like Peace countries are), stable economy. Has conquered and kept nine regions. Lost an Australian province, but became a MAIN fighter against Atlantis countries when France was being invaded after the Australian revolts.

~ Italy; Fought Spain outta France during the Invasion of France. Conquered 3 regions. Highly organized. Growing economy. Major exporting country.

~ Japan; (I haven't heard much about them) organized. Conquered South Korea, but lost 2 regions. Untouched by Atlantis. Mostly populated by Indonesians.

~ Brazil; Conquered a region from Argentina. Strongest currency. Strong economy. Started the WW2 by declaring war on Argentina but stayed cold warish afterwards for a while.

~ Iran Conquered major parts of China. 3rd strongest Currency. Strong economy. Low imports.


If you think something needs to be added or taken away- pm me.

This isn't the completed list- i know there are more world powers than this....just pm me a world power and I will make an updated article.