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eIndia Congress Lowers VAT on Houses

4 Day 516, 20:28 Published in India India

In a five to one majority, congress voted to lower the VAT on Houses from 10% to 1% last night, significantly reducing the cost of the most-expensive consumer product in The New World.

This publication would like to see this downward taxation

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Construction Jobs Available - Great Working Conditions!

9 Day 514, 17:52 Published in India India

This is a paid advertisement for Ambrosia Housing

Ambrosia Housing is now offering jobs for construction workers.

Positions are now available for 0 Skill … read more »

The eIndian Economy

8 Day 513, 03:08 Published in India India


The census of eIndia 10 days ago:

* 240 official citizens
* 108 active citizens
* 56 citizens of voting age

Orissa is now home for:

* 253 official citizens
* 122 active citizens
* 50 citizens of voting age (based on … read more »

Blazed wins India United Party President election!

4 Day 513, 00:04 Published in India India

In a close vote to decide the leader of the India United party, Blazed has emerged as a welcome winner.

Ambrose Didymus released this statement as the results became known:

"I would like to congratulate Blazed on his victory.

Obviously I

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Ambrose Didymus nominates for India United PP

9 Day 510, 06:14 Published in India India

Party President nominee Ambrose Didymus delivered this address earlier today:

"Good afternoon eIndia, my name is Ambrose Didymus and I am running to become the Party President of eIndia.

Party President's have two roles.

First, a party

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