Construction Jobs Available - Great Working Conditions!

Day 514, 17:52 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus
This is a paid advertisement for Ambrosia Housing

Ambrosia Housing is now offering jobs for construction workers.

Positions are now available for 0 Skill positions. The pay is minimum wage - 2 INR

Isn't 2 INR very low pay?

Compared to other job offers this may seem like low pay, but a job with Ambrosia Housing offers you much more through our employee benefit scheme. In return for your loyalty, you will be rewarded with:

* Free Q3 food every day (so your wellness continues to rise everyday) if your wellness is below 75
* 2 Moving Tickets if you work for the company 5 days in a row
* 1 Gold if you work for the company 10 days in a row
* A Free! Q1 house if you work 20 days in a row

Along with these benefits, you will also be providing cheap and affordable housing for the citizens of eIndia.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a job with Ambrosia Housing today and start reaping the rewards.