Ambrose Didymus nominates for India United PP

Day 510, 06:14 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

Party President nominee Ambrose Didymus delivered this address earlier today:

"Good afternoon eIndia, my name is Ambrose Didymus and I am running to become the Party President of eIndia.

Party President's have two roles.

First, a party president's job is to select the party candidate who runs for President and determine which party candidates run for Congress.

The second and most important job of a party president is to consolidate the strength of our republik through a strong community.

I am sure all Party President candidates are capable of the first role, but it is in the second that I believe I can accomplish far more effectively than any of my worthy opponents.

When you go to the polls:

Vote for the candidate who has made the most impact on your experience in eIndia.
Vote for the candidate who you have seen encourage community growth.
Vote for the candidate who you believe will be able to make tough, thoughtful decisions about eIndia's future.

Vote for Ambrose Didymus."