The eIndian Economy

Day 513, 03:08 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

The census of eIndia 10 days ago:

* 240 official citizens
* 108 active citizens
* 56 citizens of voting age

Orissa is now home for:

* 253 official citizens
* 122 active citizens
* 50 citizens of voting age (based on today's elections)

This decline in voting citizens is slightly worrying. As people get more experienced, are they tempted to move overseas to pursue other objectives?

It is difficult to maintain user interest with a single region in the republik. Opportunities to participate directly in the political process are limited and saving up to get the money to start a company can take a long time.

There may be a need to engage citizens in the community. Everybody has a role to play here, but perhaps it is our elected representatives who need to make more of an effort to help maintain user interest in the region.


Investment in eIndia continues to boom. Orissa is now the base for 17 active companies.

6 x Food (including a Q3 and a Q2)
4 x Moving Ticket
2 x Weapon (including a Q5)
2 x Gift
1 x House
1 x Iron
1 x Wood

Investment opportunities still exist for High-Quality food, Low-cost housing and possibly Mid-Quality weapons.

The Low-Quality Food and Moving Ticket industries are starting to become very crowded markets, and it will be interesting to see how the increased competition influences each industry.

Tax Revenue

Over the past 5 days, eIndia's treasury has grown by 1187.07 INR

Tax revenue is starting to grow rapidly with so many companies starting up in Orissa. This publication would like to see Minister's identify how this money will be spent, and if it does not get spent, would like to see taxes reduced accordingly.

Congress Elections

With congress candidate nominations opening today, now is the time when citizens will have an opportunity to demand more from their elected representatives. Or propose an alternative path for eIndians to tread.

What do congress plan for the future of eIndia?
When will we see a Hospital? How will it be paid for?
How do candidates aim to continue building a close-knit community?
How are negotiations going with Iran/Indonesia/Romania?

All these questions will form the basis of congress candidate platforms.

Make your voice heard in-game and on the forums.