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General Welfare & The Role of Government - Part 1 of 5

2 Day 524, 19:32 Published in India India

This is the first in a series of five short articles about the role of government in eRepublik. Please subscribe to this publication so you are notified when the next article is released. If you don't like reading short articles, the entire article

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New eIndian Congress Passes Poor Policy

8 Day 523, 18:50 Published in India India


I had hopes that the well thought-out and coherent responses Robert Knotsworth is known for (both in-game and on the eIndian forums) would translate to well thought-out and coherent proposals.

These hopes were dashed today … read more »

The eIndian Economy

9 Day 522, 22:46 Published in India India


The last eIndian census:

* 253 official citizens
* 122 active citizens
* 50 voting citizens

Today's census results:

* 249 official citizens
* 120 active citizens
* 60 voting citizens

This stagnant population is not … read more »

Congress Mandate Review

8 Day 520, 17:02 Published in India India

With one day left in the current mandate, it is worth reviewing what congress has implemented in the past month.

Proposal to reduce Grain tax - Passed 8 votes to 0
Proposal to reduce Iron tax - Passed 7 votes to 1

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eIndia Congress Passes Wood Tax Proposal

0 Day 517, 21:10 Published in India India

In another five-to-one vote, congress has agreed to lower the Income Tax in the Wood industry to 1%. This means both the Iron and Wood tax rates are now aligned with each other.

This comes as good news for Mahalaya Sandalwood's 13 employees who

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