Blazed wins India United Party President election!

Day 513, 00:04 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

In a close vote to decide the leader of the India United party, Blazed has emerged as a welcome winner.

Ambrose Didymus released this statement as the results became known:

"I would like to congratulate Blazed on his victory.

Obviously I would have liked to win, but I'm just glad one of us was was able to gather enough votes to beat out Mayur JG whose intentions were unknown going into the election.

Thank you to all those who voted for me.

My commitment to eIndia remains and I look forward to how Blazed goes about implementing his vision for this great republik."

Next Issue

Stay tuned later today on day 512 when The eFinancial Review releases an update on the eIndian economy. Things have changed enourmously over the last 10 days, you'll find out exactly how much later in the day!