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ST6 Has It's First Day In Action

7 Day 691, 18:09 Published in USA USA

After starting several revolts in Iranian held territories, ST6 has, unfortunately, had an unsuccessful first operation with the loss of Pyongyang. It looks as though Josh Frost needs to add to his current ranks if this new fighting force is to have

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I Need Employees!

4 Day 690, 14:15 Published in USA USA

OK, so I decided to try opening up my Q1 grain company and hope to make some meager profit. But, looking at calc programs, I need people to work for less than the highest market salary. So, Whatever your land skill level is, subtract 0.5 from it,

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Selling Q1 House

1 Day 687, 14:01 Published in USA USA

I recently cam into possession of a beautiful new Q3 House and, well, it makes my old Q1 seem kind of shabby. So, I have decided to sell it off. Lets see, the cheapest Q1 on the market right now is $225 USD, and I bough my Q1 way back when for like $

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BREAKING NEWS: Woxan Sure To Lose!

6 Day 684, 12:14 Published in USA USA

That's right everybody, Woxan is now 100% for sure going to lose the presidential election tomorrow. Why? He has received the worst endorsement statement in eHistory!

What could I possibly mean by this? I think It's obvious. Ajay Bruno [url=http:/

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Poland Makes Everyone Go "WTF???"

43 Day 684, 09:45 Published in USA USA

Poland, in a completely unexpected and very random sort of way, declares war on, and then attacks Lithuania. Since Lithuania only has 3 regions and a very small population, only aided by MPP's with China and France, Poland stands a very good chance

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