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5 Day 698, 14:24 Published in USA USA

That's right happened. Our "beloved" Ajay Bruno is... no longer with us! And who would have thought that the latest 30 … read more »


3 Day 695, 14:10 Published in USA USA

The clock is running out in the battle for Manitoba, so fight now! If you are too poor to buy weapons, go to this thread on the

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America on the Offensive

5 Day 694, 16:06 Published in USA USA

For the first time in weeks the front in North America has opened up with an American attack on Manitoba. DOD is making it clear that this is not a simple training war or "test" of our combat

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War Heats Up Again

4 Day 693, 15:55 Published in USA USA

For the first time in several days, the world war has had a warm-up. About 30 minutes ago, Sweden attacked the UK held region of Midtjylland (I know, there is no human way to pronounce this name).

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ST6 Has Its First Victory!

4 Day 692, 14:18 Published in USA USA

Congratulations to all the members of Seal Team 6, and their leader Josh Frost, for the magnificent victory in Northern India. Honestly, I was expecting a lose after Pyongyang and Uttar Pradesh, but you guys really did something in the last few

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