ST6 Has It's First Day In Action

Day 691, 18:09 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

After starting several revolts in Iranian held territories, ST6 has, unfortunately, had an unsuccessful first operation with the loss of Pyongyang. It looks as though Josh Frost needs to add to his current ranks if this new fighting force is to have much impact in taking down PEACE from within, even in a weakened member such as eIran. The battles in Indian regions held by Iran are looking pretty grim at the moment, and with us going to sleep and the Iranians about to wake up, this past day's campaign seems to be at an end. Hopefully the Seals will be able to have more fighters and better guns (along with maybe some good luck) for their next attempt. Don't give up guys, and if you start accepting more people, I will be more than willing to join up myself.

Meanwhile, the American and European fronts have stagnated once again, and the only wars going on between countries right now are training wars. With Hungary further fortifying their American regions and PEACE having little wiggle room to make any offensives in Scandinavia, it looks like this stalemate may continue for a while.

The only other news that I can think of to report is that the eUS will soon join the SOL training wars. The MPP with Malaysia is about to be signed and we will once again have some action. Oh, yeah and taxes for food were increased from 8% to 12%. I ran a Q1 food company until about a week ago, and if I hadn't already shut down, I would have had to now. Sorry for all you Q1 owners out there, try to tough it out.

Oh, and congrats to me for finally making the rank of General. A little extra damage in a battle is always a good thing 🙂

Well, that's all for me today. It's a little late in the day, but I'm sure somebody will read this. Good night everyone!