Selling Q1 House

Day 687, 14:01 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

I recently cam into possession of a beautiful new Q3 House and, well, it makes my old Q1 seem kind of shabby. So, I have decided to sell it off. Lets see, the cheapest Q1 on the market right now is $225 USD, and I bough my Q1 way back when for like $275 USD, so... I'll make the sale price $200 USD even. I re-coup most of what I initially payed for it, and get to help someone out with below market prices.

If you are interested post a comment here or PM me. If you have a good offer, I may be willing to haggle a little with you. For those of you who were looking for a news article, sorry to disappoint you. Honestly, not much has been happening in the world to report on.