Poland Makes Everyone Go "WTF???"

Day 684, 09:45 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Poland, in a completely unexpected and very random sort of way, declares war on, and then attacks Lithuania. Since Lithuania only has 3 regions and a very small population, only aided by MPP's with China and France, Poland stands a very good chance of pulling out a win here, since they are actually very militarily powerful, probably more so than Russia, definitely more than France. Now seriously, who saw this coming before the war declaration law came up, other than the like 7 people who planned it? I must say, PEACE probably didn't see this one coming. We know they didn't, because about 10 minutes after Poland started the declaration of war, Lithuania started signing MPPs with Hungary and Indo. Sorry PEACE, too little too late.

Now, this inexperienced player is probably asking, "why is taking over a country with only 3 regions going to help us beat PEACE?" Well, the answer is simple. High Production Regions and Training wars. First, Poland is getting a High Grain Region. If the two regions attacked by Poland are taken, then Lithuania has no more High or Medium regions, and their economy gets kinda screwed. Then, there is always an added benefit whenever one knocks PEACE on its rear-end. Lithuania has 31 MPP's activated against Latvia, all of them PEACE members. Every few days Latvia attacks Lithuania and all the PEACE countries get free battle experience without the dangers of an actual war. If Poland takes away PEACE's training wars, well, let's just say they will be a bit peeved. This after over a day of no real battles seems like a good way to stir up the PEACE pot a little bit. Have fun with war on your homelands PEACE. It's long overdue 🙂.

Go Poland!!!
Death to PEACE!!!