I Need Employees!

Day 690, 14:15 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

OK, so I decided to try opening up my Q1 grain company and hope to make some meager profit. But, looking at calc programs, I need people to work for less than the highest market salary. So, Whatever your land skill level is, subtract 0.5 from it, and that is the salary I can afford to pay you with a Q1 company. If there is anybody out there willing to work for this low salary, here is the company:


PM me if you are interested, or want to negotiate salaries, although there is not much room for me to negotiate with. And if anybody out there can tell me how to compete with these highly competitive salaries other companies are offering, I really need it. Economics is not my forte in this game.

Also, I am selling a Q1 House for $150 USD or the equivalent in gold. I can negotiate this price. Or if anybody would like to buy either my Q1 grain company mentioned above, or my Q1 food company, I am interested in whatever offers you have.

I usually don't write about this kinda stuff in my newspaper, but there has not been much in the realm of current events to write about, and I kind of need to get these economic things on the road.