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Suck it, ex-PEACE!

4 Day 739, 06:49 Published in USA USA

today, all of us in B/E nations rejoice over yet another epic failure by ex-PEACE nations. Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia were unable to take a single region in their three-pronged attack, even when the battle against Hungary in NW Croatia was

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Croatia Needs Our Help!

6 Day 738, 08:37 Published in USA USA

Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia have all attached Coratia. Current orders are to fight in the region of Slavonia. Do NOT waste damage against the Brits in Maine or in the battle in Lika and

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13 Day 736, 12:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


eUK attacks eUS!!!

AAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is literally the stupidest thing they could have possibly done. I just cannot get over the unfathomable idiocy that … read more »


8 Day 736, 11:51 Published in USA USA


eUK attacks eUS!!!

AAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is literally the stupidest thing they could have possibly done. I just cannot get over the unfathomable idiocy that … read more »

Who Wants This?

1 Day 736, 07:32 Published in USA USA

Seriously, who wants this company? It is Q3 in a high region with 2 working licenses (a third that doesn't work) for only 80g. If you want it, it is cheaper that starting

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